




I. 主要研究工作

1. 图像、文本大数据分析和模式识别。

2. 智能计算方法在生物数据中的应用研究。

II. 承担科研项目

1. 日本国家基金--JSPS特别研究员项目:膜蛋白质天然变性领域的预测和分析(合作单位:东京大学)(项目号:P17050),项目负责人,2017.8-2019.8

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:天然无序蛋白质无序区域及其分子识别特征域的预测算法研究(项目号:61602280),项目负责人,2017.01-2019.12

3. 山东省自然科学基金青年基金项目:基于序列信息的天然无序蛋白质功能位点的预测(项目号:ZR2014FQ028),项目负责人,2015.01-2017.12,

4. 山东省软件工程重点实验室(山东大学)联合开放基金项目、固有无序蛋白质功能位点的识别研究。项目负责人,2016.10-2018.09.

III. 代表性学术论文

  1. Chun Fang, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Caihong Li and Kentaro Shimizu. MoRFPred_en: Sequence-Based Prediction for MoRFs Using an Ensemble Learning Strategy [J], Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2020, 17(6):1-15.

  2. Chun Fang, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, AikuiTian, Caihong Li and Kentaro Shimizu.Identifying short disorder-to-order binding regions in disordered proteins with a deep convolutional neural network method [J]. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2019, 17(1):1-16.

  3. Chun Fang, Yoshitaka Moriwaki, Caihong Li, and Kentaro Shimizu, Prediction of Antifungal Peptides by Deep Learning with Character Embedding[J]. IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics. 2019,12:21-29.

  4. Chun Fang, Tamotsu Noguchi and Hayato Yamana. Condensing position-pecific scoring matrixs by the Kidera factors for ligand-binding prediction[J]. International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics. 2015, 12(1), 70-84.

  5. Chun Fang, Tamotsu Noguchi and Hayato Yamana, Simplified Sequence-based method for ATP-binding Prediction Using Contextual Local Evolutionary Conservation [J], Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 2014, 9(7):1-16.

  6. Chun Fang, Tamotsu Noguchi and Hayato Yamana, Conservation Patterns of proteins and Its Influence on Identifying Protein Functional Sites [J]. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,2014,12(5) 1440003:1-18.

  7. Chun Fang, Tamotsu Noguchi and Hayato Yamana, MFSPSSMpred: Identifying short disorder-to-order binding regions in disordered proteins based on contextual local evolutionary conservation [J]. BMC bioinformatics, 2013,14 (300):1-16.

  8. Chun Fang, Tamotsu Noguchi and Hayato Yamana, SCPSSMpred: A General Sequence-based Method for Ligand-binding Site Prediction [J], IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics, 2013, 6: 35-42.

IV. 招生信息



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