


I. 主要研究工作

1. 柔性智能传感器

2. 可穿戴健康设备

3. 生物医学信号智能诊断分析

II. 承担科研项目

1. 企业横向项目:基于光声成像技术的直肠组织影像智能分析系统,项目负责人,2022-至今

2. 企业横向项目:大规模金融智能体协同关键技术及应用研究,项目负责人,2023-至今。

3. 企业横向项目:六导联心电图智能分析研究项目主要负责人,2023.11-2024.3

4. 中国科学技术协会2022年度科技智库青年人才项目:物联网及人工智能技术在企业职工职业健康管理中的应用(项目号:20220615ZZ07110250),项目负责人,2022.7-2023.1

III. 代表性学术论文

  1. Zhou Haiyang; Zhao Yixin; Liu Yanzhong; Lu Sichao; An Xiang*; Liu Qiang. Multisensor Data Fusion and CNN-LSTM Model for Human Activity Recognition System. Sensors. 2023,23, 4750.
  2. Zhao Yixin; Liu Yanzhong; Zhou Haiyang; Wei Yuxuan; Yu Yansuo; Lu Sichao; An Xiang*; Liu Qiang. Intelligent Gateway-based Human Cardiopulmonary Health Monitoring System. Journal of Sensors. 2023,3534224.
  3. An Xiang; Liu Yanzhong; Zhao Yixin; Lu Sichao; Stylios G.K.; Liu Qiang. Adaptive Motion Artifact Reduction in Wearable ECG Measurements Using Impedance Pneumography Signal. Sensors. 2022, 22, 5493.
  4. Zhao Yixin; Zhou Haiyang; Lu Sichao; Liu Yanzhong; An Xiang*; Liu Qiang. Human Activity Recognition Based on Non-Contact Radar Data and Improved PCA Method. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7124.
  5. An Xiang , K Stylios, G. Comparison of Motion Artefact Reduction Methods and the Implementation of Adaptive Motion Artefact Reduction in Wearable Electrocardiogram Monitoring. Sensors, 2020, 20(5), p.1468.
  6. An Xiang, George K.Stylios. A Hybrid Textile Electrode for Electrocardiogram (ECG) Measurement and Motion Tracking. Materials, 2018, 11(10), p.1887.
  7. An Xiang, O.T., George K.Stylios, Investigating the Performance of Dry Textile Electrode for wearable End-Uses The Journal of the Textile Institute, 2018.

IV 明专利和软件著作权

  1. 安翔刘强赵邑新. 织物电极及具有织物电极的衣服[P]. 中华人民共和国发明专利, CN114795226A.

V. 招生


