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发布人:jsfzzx发布时间:2016年06月13日 浏览次数:



主题一:拥有众多分散的纳米相的超强轻金属Super-strong Light Metals by Populous Dispersed Nano-elements

主题二:科学驱动的可持续发展制造Science Driven Manufacturing for Sustainable Future














   Professor Xiaochun Li

Raytheon Chair in Manufacturing,

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA


Short Bio:


Professor Xiaochun Li is the Raytheon Endowed Chair in Manufacturing Engineering in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Department of Materials Science and Engineering at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University in 2001. He is a holder of multiple best paper awards and patents, including five of those licensed by industry. Dr. Li received National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2002, Jiri Tlusty Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award from Society of Manufacturing Engineers in 2003, and 2008 Howard F. Taylor Award from American Foundry Society (AFS). Dr. Li was previously a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science Program at University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) from 2001 to 2013. He served as the Director of Nano-Engineered Materials Processing Center (NEMPC) at UW-Madison between 2009 and 2013. Dr. Li has been elected Fellows in American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the International Society for Nanomanufacturing.

李晓春教授是美国雷神制造公司讲座教授,也是美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)机械、航空航天工程、材料科学与工程学教授。他在2001年获得了斯坦福大学机械工程学博士学位,是多个最佳论文奖和专利的持有者,同时5个专利被工业界应用。李博士分别于200220032008年获得了美国国家自然科学基金委员会杰出青年基金,美国机械工程学会Jiri Tlusty杰出青年制造工程师奖,和美国铸造协会(AFSHoward F. Taylor奖。2001年到2013年他在美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(UW-Madison)机械工程及材料科学系担任教授,而且在20092013之间担任纳米工程材料处理中心主任(NEMPC)。李博士已经当选为美国机械工程师学会和国际纳米制造学会会士。




Super-strong Light Metals by Populous Dispersed Nano-elements


Xiaochun Li

Raytheon Chair in Manufacturing,

Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)


Abstract: Light metals are widely considered as green materials with tremendous potential to improve energy efficiency and system performance for numerous applications. However, conventional processing methods have reached limits in further improving the properties of magnesium. Our recent study shows that a remarkable enhancement of strength, stiffness, plasticity and high temperature stability can be achieved in light metals by populous dispersed nano-elements (e.g. nanoparticles and nano-platelets), delivering the super-high specific strength and modulus. Unprecedented uniform dispersion of high volume fractions of nanoelemtns is successfully achieved in light metal matrices. This approach of populous nanoparticle dispersion and strengthening paves a new way to enhance the performance of light metals to meet energy and sustainability challenges in today’s society.








摘要:轻金属被广泛认为具有巨大的潜力,它是能够提高各种应用能源效率和系统性能的绿色环保材料。然而,传统的加工方法在进一步提高轻金属的性能时已经达到极限。我们最近的研究表明,轻金属的强度、刚度、可塑性和高温稳定性可以由众多分散的纳米元素(例如,纳米颗粒和纳米片)显著增强, 而且可以提供超高比强度和模量。在轻金属基体中,成功实现了前所未有的高体积分数的纳米元素的均匀分散。众多分散的纳米颗粒强化机制提供了一条新的能提高轻金属性能的途径,可以满足当今社会能源的需要和可持续发展的挑战。





Scifacturing: Science Driven Manufacturing for Sustainable Future


Xiaochun Li

Raytheon Chair in Manufacturing,

Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)


Abstract: Scientific revolutions provided fundamental tools that powered and transformed manufacturing to induce profound social changes in the last centuries. The traditional pathway from science to manufacturing has reached its ceiling due to the slowdown of fundamental science revolution and saturation of traditional manufacturing technologies. Current manufacturing engineers are generally far away from fundamental science or even applied physics. This talk will discuss about perspectives, needs and challenges for a powerful paradigm shift towards scifacturing, where advanced manufacturing will be driven more directly and faster than ever by science in the 21st century. Some recent advances will be presented to illuminate the power of scifacturing for a sustainable future.



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